


ARPA主要功能与避碰原理 :“ARPA”一词是AutomaticRadarPlottingAids的缩写,中文为“自动雷达标绘仪”。



因此,驾驶员应正确使用和充分发挥ARPA的作用,最大限度地减少船舶碰撞事故的发生。 ARPA是在普通雷达的基础上,根据人工标绘原理,增加计算机的输入、存储、计算、判断、输出、模拟、绘图、报警等功能发展而成的一种新型雷达(避碰雷达)。




在模拟器上输入“show interface ethernet 0/0”命令,有两行显示: Encapsulation ARPA ARP type: ARPARPANET利用了数据包这一新概念,能够使数据经过不同路径到达目的地,重组后得到原数据。70年代的TCP/IP协议成功的扩大了数据包的大小,进而组成了互联网。以太网的前身叫做ARPANET(阿帕网),当初是用于军事领域,到了90年代被Internet取代。所以我们看到的以太口的封装就是ARPA。


ARPA是自动雷达标绘仪译自英文简称。它是以电子计算机技术为基础的自动雷达标绘仪,与普通船员用雷达,计程仪及罗经配接结构成ARPA系统,就能人工或自动雷达捕 捉(或称录取)多个目标,美工加以自动跟踪,然后在显示器上以矢量形式显示目标船的航向和航速,以数据形式显示CPA和TCPA等重要的避碰数据,还具有碰撞危险判断,报 警,试操船等多种功能,因此,ARPA替代传统的雷达人工标绘,使雷达在船舶避碰应用中发挥更大的作用。

一个基本的ARPA系统由传感器和ARPA本身两大部分组成, (一)传感器:


2陀螺罗经----为ARPA提供本船航向信号 3计程仪----为ARPA提供本船航速信号,可有对水航速和对地航速。

4外存器----可贮存港口的视频地图或电子海图,在进出港时,可供船舶导航作用。 (二)ARPA部分:




4跟踪器----对已录取目标进行自动跟踪。 5电子计算机----是ARPA的核心,是一个微计算机系统,完成所有计算和控制工作。 6显示器----包括乎面位置综合图形显示器和数据显示器。 7控制台----通过设在操作控制台的操纵杆或跟踪球及其他操作按钮把操作信息送入计算机。 ARPA电源----为ARPA各部分提供各种电源。 一般海上航行,MIN CPA不得小于2-3n mile, MIN TCPA不得小于10 n mile. CPA>MIN CPA TCPA>NIN TCPA 表示该目标是安全船,与本船无碰撞危 险。 CPA<MIN CPA 表示该目标船是危险船,与本船有碰撞危险,但时间尚充裕,本船可及时采取避碰措施。 然而,ARPA性能和精度也存在误差,大致可分为:



3操作者的人为误差。即操作者对ARPA 显示数据的错误理解,经验不足或疏忽。 4本船和目标船机动的影响。 5航行态势对跟踪精度的影响。 ARPA性能和精度受多种因素影响,它的局限性却是如此。 1雷达信号预处理和检测目标的局限性。 2录取目标的局限性。 3跟踪目标的局限性。 4数据处理的局限性。 5报警与试操船功能的局限性。 仅管ARPA存在误差及局限性,但作为驾驶员的“眼睛“,在船舶定位,导航和避碰应用中,发挥了巨大的作用。

它不但显示目标船的瞬时位置,而且能显示目标船的航向 航速和历史航迹,还能直接得到目标船的最近会遇距离CPA和到达最近会遇时间TCPA.因此,ARPA在船舶航行,避碰应用中发挥着不可替代的作用。







ARPA 也是以太网接口的一种封装类型ARP类型,此字段表示分配的地址解析协议(ARP)类型。在IP环境中,ARP类型是ARPA。默认情况下 ,以太网接口使用ARPA关键字以指定IP接口上的ARPA封装。其他封装方法还包括IEEE 802.3以太网的关键字iso1,以及IEEE 802.3帧的关键字snap(子网访问协议)帧变异。可以通过使用arp interface 命令将封装更改为HP PROBE或SNAP,此命令格式如下:

arp {arpa/probe/snap}

五、Understanding Arpa in Finance with Examples

What is Arpa in Finance?

Arpa, short for Average Revenue Per Account, is a financial metric used by businesses to measure the average amount of revenue generated per customer or account. It is a valuable tool for evaluating the financial health and performance of a company, especially in subscription-based or recurring revenue models.

How to Calculate Arpa?

To calculate Arpa, you need to divide the total monthly or annual revenue generated by the number of active accounts or customers during the same period. The formula is as follows:

Arpa = Total Revenue / Number of Accounts

Arpa Example: A Software as a Service (SaaS) Company

Let's take the example of a Software as a Service (SaaS) company to better understand Arpa. Suppose the company generates $200,000 in monthly revenue and has 500 active customers in the same period. To calculate the Arpa:

Arpa = $200,000 / 500 = $400

Therefore, the Average Revenue Per Account for this SaaS company is $400.

Why is Arpa Important in Finance?

Arpa provides insights into the revenue-generating capabilities of a business and helps identify trends, growth opportunities, and areas of improvement. By monitoring Arpa over time, companies can make informed decisions regarding pricing strategies, customer acquisition, and retention efforts. High Arpa values indicate a strong customer base and the potential for increased profitability.

Factors Influencing Arpa

Various factors can impact Arpa, including pricing changes, upselling/cross-selling strategies, customer churn, and customer acquisition costs. For example, introducing higher-priced subscription tiers or successfully upselling additional features can increase Arpa. Conversely, customer churn or increasing customer acquisition costs may negatively affect Arpa.

Limitations of Arpa

While Arpa is a useful metric, it should not be solely relied upon to assess a company's financial performance. It does not consider factors such as variable costs, customer lifetime value, or profit margins. Therefore, it is essential to analyze Arpa in conjunction with other financial metrics to gain a comprehensive understanding of a business's financial health.

In Conclusion

Understanding and monitoring Arpa is crucial for businesses operating in subscription-based or recurring revenue models. It provides valuable insights into the average revenue generated per customer or account and helps businesses make informed decisions to improve their financial performance. By calculating and analyzing Arpa, companies can identify growth opportunities, optimize pricing strategies, and enhance customer acquisition and retention efforts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided you with a clear understanding of Arpa in finance and its importance in assessing a company's financial performance.


ARPANET网成功的主要原因是因为它使用了TCP/IP标准网络协议,TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)----传输控制协议/互连网协议是Internet采用的一种标准网络协议。它是由ARPA于1977年到1979年推出的一种网络体系结构和协议规范。随着Internet网的发展,TCP/IP也得到进一步的研究开发和推广应用,成为Internet网上的"通用语言"。


ARPA网络是早期的分组交换网络,也是实现协议套件TCP/IP的第一个网络。 这两项技术成为互联网的技术基础。

ARPANET最初由美国国防部高级研究计划局(ARPA)资助。ARPANET采用的数据包交换方法基于美国Leonard Kleinrock和Paul Baran,英国科学家Donald Davies和Lawrence Roberts的概念和设计。 计算机科学家Robert Kahn和Vint Cerf为ARPANET开发了TCP/IP通信协议,并纳入了由Louis Pouzin执导的法国CYCLADES项目的概念。



ARPA主要功能与避碰原理 :“ARPA”一词是AutomaticRadarPlottingAids的缩写,中文为“自动雷达标绘仪”。



因此,驾驶员应正确使用和充分发挥ARPA的作用,最大限度地减少船舶碰撞事故的发生。 ARPA是在普通雷达的基础上,根据人工标绘原理,增加计算机的输入、存储、计算、判断、输出、模拟、绘图、报警等功能发展而成的一种新型雷达(避碰雷达)。



九、ARPA 财务方面的缩写

ARPA(Advanced Research Projects Agency)是美国军方于1958年成立的一个研究机构,其创立的初衷是为了推动高级科学研究。ARPA在其成立初期主要关注于军事研究及技术开发,但后来逐渐扩大了其研究领域。

然而,ARPA在金融领域也有一些与之相关的缩写。Finance是指财务,财务管理,在ARPA中的缩写就是Financial。ARPA对于科研机构、大学以及企业所提供的Financial支持被称为ARPA Financial。该支持为其研究项目提供经费,推动科学研究的进行。

ARPA Financial的目标

ARPA Financial的目标是为科学研究提供资金支持,帮助研究人员在各个领域进行前沿科研,推动科学技术的创新与发展。

ARPA Financial的资助范围广泛,涵盖了多个重要的科学领域,如人工智能、物联网、生命科学等。该资助不仅覆盖了纯理论的研究,还包括了技术研发、原型系统开发和商业化应用等各个阶段。

ARPA Financial的影响

ARPA Financial为科研人员提供了重要的支持,有助于他们开展高风险、高回报的创新研究。由于ARPA Financial的资助对象通常是具有巨大潜力的创新项目,因此其对于科学研究的推动作用非常显著。

ARPA Financial的资助不仅使得一些科研项目得以实施,还为一些新技术的诞生打下了坚实的基础。此外,ARPA Financial还鼓励了学术界与产业界的合作,促进了科学研究与实际应用的结合。


ARPA Financial作为ARPA在财务领域的重要支持方式,为科学研究提供了重要的经费支持。其资助范围广泛,影响深远,对于推动创新科研、推动科学技术进步具有重要的作用。

通过了解ARPA Financial,我们可以更好地理解ARPA在财务方面的作用,以及其对科学研究和技术创新的促进作用。

感谢您阅读本文,希望对您了解ARPA Financial有所帮助。

十、ARPA in Finance: Understanding Its Full Form and Significance


In the world of finance, there are many acronyms and terms that can seem confusing. One such acronym is ARPA, which stands for "Adjusted Risk Performance Attribution." Understanding the full form of ARPA and its significance can provide valuable insights into evaluating investment performance and managing risk in financial markets.

What is ARPA?

ARPA, or Adjusted Risk Performance Attribution, is a quantitative analysis methodology used in finance to evaluate the performance of investment portfolios or funds. It measures how different factors contribute to the overall risk-adjusted returns of a portfolio, thereby providing a detailed assessment of the drivers behind investment performance.

Components of ARPA

ARPA breaks down the performance attribution into several key components:

  • Market Timing: ARPA analyzes the impact of changes in the market on the portfolio's returns. It helps identify if the portfolio manager made successful moves by capitalizing on market trends.
  • Security Selection: ARPA assesses how individual securities selected by the portfolio manager contribute to the overall performance. It helps determine if the manager's choices were skillful in generating excess returns.
  • Allocation Effect: ARPA examines the impact of asset allocation decisions on the portfolio's performance. It evaluates whether the manager's allocation across different asset classes or sectors was effective in generating returns.
  • Interaction Effect: ARPA considers the interactions between market timing, security selection, and allocation effect to determine how they collectively contribute to the portfolio's performance. It helps identify any synergies or conflicts between these factors.

Importance of ARPA in Finance

ARPA plays a crucial role in investment management and risk evaluation for several reasons:

  • Performance Evaluation: ARPA provides a comprehensive analysis of the sources of investment performance, allowing investors and fund managers to assess the effectiveness of their strategies.
  • Risk Management: By dissecting the different components of performance attribution, ARPA helps identify and manage specific risks associated with factors such as market timing, security selection, and asset allocation.
  • Portfolio Optimization: ARPA aids in optimizing investment portfolios by highlighting the specific areas where adjustments can be made to enhance performance and mitigate risks.


In summary, ARPA stands for Adjusted Risk Performance Attribution and is an important quantitative analysis methodology used in finance. It breaks down the various components of performance attribution, including market timing, security selection, allocation effect, and interaction effect. Understanding ARPA's full form and significance helps investors and fund managers evaluate investment performance, manage risks, and optimize portfolios. By leveraging ARPA, stakeholders can gain valuable insights to make informed financial decisions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that it has provided you with a clear understanding of ARPA in finance and its importance in evaluating investment performance.